
2009-2010 Cumberland School of Law Mediation Fellow Selected

The Upchurch Watson White and Max Mediation Group is pleased to announce that third year law student Whitney Henry has been selected as the 2009-2010 Cumberland School of Law Rodney Max Mediation Fellow. Established by Rodney A. Max, principal at Upchurch Watson White and Max, nationally renowned mediator, and 1975 graduate of Cumberland School of Law, the fellowship recognizes the interest, achievements and scholarship of Cumberland students in the area of mediation.
Ms. Henry was selected as this year’s recipient because she demonstrated not only a strong interest in mediation but also a desire to pursue mediation as a career. Her application was certainly very impressive. As this year’s Rodney Max fellow Ms. Henry will receive a $5,000 fellowship award for the 2009-2010 academic year. She will work under the direction of the Director of the Cumberland Community Mediation Center with primary responsibilities including; managing the Samford Residence Life Mediation Project, co-mediating disputes, and researching and writing projects. Ms. Henry is certainly a rising star in the field of mediation.

The Cumberland School of Law and Upchurch Watson White and Max look forward to following her career as it develops over the next few years.

We are very proud of Rodney for creating this fellowship opportunity and of Ms. Henry as the 2009-2010 fellowship recipient.

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