
September 2015 Blog Archive

Negotiate This! Common Negotiating Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Approved 1.0 Hr. FL Bar CLE Credits 1.0 General Course #1504178N until 1/14/2017 Presented by: Howard R. Marsee and A. Michelle... Read More

NEGOTIATE THIS! Common Negotiating Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Typically, our Webinars regarding negotiation are some of our most sought-after and well attended. Upchurch Watson White & Max's CLE series once... Read More

How Professionalism Can Help in a Negotiation
How Professionalism Can Help in a Negotiation Writer and mediator Howard R. Marsee knows more than a thing or two about professionalism, and he is sharing in a big way this month. First, he has published an article titled "Reflections: Professionalism as a Tool of Negotiation" in the fall 2015 e... Read More

The Power of Principle, Part 2
The Power of Principle, Part 2 Under the circumstances, my ethical and professional obligations are obvious, at least to me; confront the immovable forces with a discussion which assures that the decision-making is informed. This means (1) Trying to get the parties what they want;... Read More

The Power of Principle, Part 1
The Power of Principle, Part 1 I recently had the pleasure of moderating UWWM’s webinar, “The Seven Deadly Sins in Business Negotiation” featuring UWWM’s neutral Judi Lane. I was very happy to do so. I had previously mediated for Judi many times and had great respect for her as an... Read More

How Does Class Action Insurance Work?
How Does Class Action Insurance Work? In cases where a defendant is concerned about the financial impact of a settlement, accounting implications, or the risk going forward, we recommend engaging a specialty risk consulting firm to assist in providing a quantitative and qualitative analy... Read More