
October 2005 Blog Archive

John Upchurch Joins Special Master Group
John Upchurch Joins Special Master Group John J. Upchurch, President of Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group, has been tapped for membership in the Academy of Court Appointed Masters, the only national organization for special masters. Read More

Upchurch Watson White & Max Recognizes State's MEDIATION WEEK With Seminars / Radio Appearances
Upchurch Watson White & Max Recognizes State's MEDIATION WEEK With Seminars / Radio Appearances The State of Florida issued a proclamation designating October 16th - 21st as Mediation Week. Article reviews firm events / activities in recognition of the week and of National Conflict Resolution Day - October 20th. Read More

Mediation Group Panelist Addresses ACR Seminar
Mediation Group Panelist Addresses ACR Seminar John Fleming Kelly, a mediator and arbitrator affiliated with Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group, recently addressed the Commercial Section of The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) Read More