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FRIENDSHIPS A recent photo of President George W. Bush and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah attracted wide attention. President and Prince were holding hands. This... Read More

FEUDS AND FLASHPOINTS When my great uncle, John Calhoun Bell, was county attorney in western Colorado, the local doctor challenged him to a duel. It was 1876. Friends... Read More

FAMILY WEALTH IN CRISIS The turbulence in world financial markets confronts wealthy families with acute crisis management. Some will call upon wise family organization to... Read More

FAMILY REMODELING Genealogy rewinds: Who were your ancestors? Where did they come from? What were they like five, six, seven generations ago? Family building fast... Read More

FAMILY PAYROLLS: EVERYTHING FROM SENSIBLE TO WHACKY Family payrolls range from sensible to downright whacky. Here’s my take on compensation in business families. “Sweat equity” entitles a relative... Read More

FAMILY MISSION STATEMENTS: WHAT ESTATE ADVISORS NEED TO KNOW Published in Estate Planning magazine March 2008 With the eldest baby boomers reaching age 62 in 2008, private wealth managers are worrying... Read More

FAMILY DIALOGUE Dialogue accesses knowledge that is otherwise inaccessible to individuals inquiring alone. Suppose the major estate asset is the family... Read More

FAMILIES ARE LIKE PORCUPINES At wedding rehearsal dinners, my wife toasts the bride and groom: “May your marriage be like two porcupines snuggling down on a cold night: close... Read More

EGYPTIAN BUSINESS FAMILIES: AN AMERICAN VIEW Reprinted from Families in Business, Mar/Apr 2004 Sensitive Americans wince at cultural gaffes committed by other Americans traveling abroad. A... Read More

DOOMSDAY MACHINE The Family “Doomsday Machine” At the climax of the cult movie “Dr. Strangelove”, the Soviet Union unleashes its “Doomsday Machine”, a destructive... Read More

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