
UWWM Adds Thought Leadership to June 2 CME Seminar in Jacksonville

Update: Photos from the event

Lawrence Kolin and A. Michelle Jernigan pose in front of Florida Coastal School of Law Mediators Lawrence Kolin and A. Michelle Jernigan pose in front of Florida Coastal School of Law, the traditional venue for the annual CME Seminar, on June 2, 2016.

Mediators Michelle Jernigan and LawrenceKolin are at the podium, presenting "How Do You Deal With This?" Michelle and Lawrence are at the podium, presenting "How Do You Deal with This?"

Mediator Robert A. "Bob" Cole, right, retired County Court Judge Charles Cofer Mediator Robert A. "Bob" Cole, right, and retired County Court Judge Charles Cofer stand together in the classroom where Judge Cofer spoke  for an hour and 40 minutes, discussing the laws regarding domestic violence, his experiences as a judge and the effect of domestic violence on the judicial system.

Three mediators from Upchurch Watson White & Max are playing a role in The Jacksonville Bar Association ADR Practitioners Committee's 10th annual Northeast Florida CME Seminar for Mediators on Thursday, June 2, 2016.

UWWM Shareholder and Mediator Bob Cole UWWM Shareholder and Mediator Bob Cole

UWWM's Robert A. "Bob" Cole is committee chair and planned the entire program with mediator Jake Schickel. This year's course will be at its customary venue, Florida Coastal School of Law, 8787 Baypine Road, Jacksonville.

The course is eligible for up to 8.0 Continuing Mediation Education hours, including 4.0 Ethics, 2.0 Domestic Violence, 1.0 Diversity and 1.0 General. Mediators are required to self-report hours applicable to their areas of certification at the time of their renewal. (For more information on the CME requirement, visit Additionally, organizers have applied for accreditation for 8.0 General Continuing Legal Education credits, including 4.0 Ethics Credits.

Mediator Michelle Jernigan Shareholder/Mediator Michelle Jernigan

(Seminar credit must be reported to The Florida Bar to satisfy CLE requirements. For more information, contact The Florida Bar at 800-324-8060, ext. 5842, or visit

From 1 to 1:50 p.m., A. Michelle Jernigan, UWWM shareholder and Lawrence Kolin, UWWM mediator/arbitrator, will present "How Do You Deal with This?" with a goal is to help fellow mediators anticipate, understand and be prepared to cope with some of the really difficult problems mediators encounter. "This section will also be interactive, dealing with real-life ethical dilemmas and practical quandaries as part of the mediation process."


Arbitrator / Mediator Lawrence H. Kolin Arbitrator / Mediator Lawrence H. Kolin

To see the full eight-hour agenda and register, visit



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